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A story about travelling through the area around Luxor to see some amazing sights.

Day 3, sundag 11 december 2016.

Program today: Abydos, with the temples of Seti I and Ramses II.

The day of, among other things, the visit to the temple of Ramses II.

Today we got up at 7 o'clock and after breakfast we went quietly for the relatively long drive to Abydos.


The reason I had included Abydos in the program was because during my last visit in 2012 there was a sandstorm, so I did not have the opportunity to view the Osireion and the temple of Ramses II and I also wanted to see the graves the first and second dynasties.
Unfortunately, the latter was not possible because there were 2 excavations nearby and they found it necessary to block a much larger area, so that these graves were not accessible despite the fact that they had nothing to do with the excavations.

Because I have been able to see the temple of Seti I extensively during the previous trip, we skip this at first and walk straight to the temple of Ramses II, when outside we quickly get two policemen in our wake who had to make sure that we did not stray haha.

The temple of Ramses II
Click on the picture to see more.

Ramses II

For a short video impression from the temple of Ramses II, click below.

After the extensive viewing of the temple of Ramses II, we walked under supervision towards the Osireion where we tried to take a look in the tunnel, this was under no circumstances allowed by the two policemen, sad but unfortunately so.

The Osireion
Click on the picture to see more.


After the Osireion we have seen the temple of Seti I for a while, it is still a beautiful thing.

Temple of Seti I
Click on the picture to see more.

Seti I

To see the pictures I took in 2012, click here.
So that was a nice exciting day, too bad that some things could not be done, but then I have at least a reason to come back here.

The first 10 kilometers of the return journey happened under police escort, every 2 km interspersed by another police car, so they all keep doing something, something we missed on the way there because we drove a turn too far. Tourists were barely here but, hopefully that will change quickly.

Back in Luxor it was time to dine, we were invited for it, when we arrived there it turned out that the person who had invited us was not present, but that seems to be quite normal here and the food did not taste us less.
After dinner at the Marsam hotel we took a nightcap with the manager Claus, with the result a next dinner invitation in my pocket, tomorrow there seems to be an interesting man here who has been coming here since the fifties, I'm curious.

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Overzicht van de dynastieën

Alle farao's op een rijtje

De Koningslijsten

Verklaring van enkele begrippen

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